Mohammadpur-Boshila Bridge road,( Near Bosila Bridge) Ghatarchar, Ati Bazar, Dhaka 1312

Stop Drug, Save

Stop Drug, Save

We are here to help our patient for a healthy life with proper rehabilitation.

We are determined to cure our patient fully by our very experienced specialist. 

We believe that proper counselling is more effective than medicine.

Why choose Life Save Hospital

24 Hours Services

Our doctors and management are always ready to take care about any patient.


We have excellent accommodation facilities which are followed by the separate healthy bed for each patient.


We also have facilities of entertainments like – indoor games, satellite TV channels and oral entertainment.

Affordable Billing

We do not charge higher than other treatment center. This is very reasonable billing for our every clients.

Excellent Staff

We have excellent staffs who are very affordable with patients. Always help the patient to recover him quickly.

Qualified Doctors

We have unique facility of regular check up by clinical psychologist and professional counselor.

Need Personal Treatment?
Get a Appointment Now.

"মানসিক ও মাদকাসক্ত ব্যাক্তিকে সঠিক চিকিৎসা করে সুস্থ জীবনে ফিরিয়ে আনা সম্ভব,মনে রাখতে হবে এ রোগের চিকিৎসা না করালে একটি পরিবার আর্থিক ও সামাজিক ভাবে ধ্বংস হয়ে যেতে পারে !!!"

নজরুল ইসলাম লিটন,

ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক, লাইফ সেভ হসপিটাল

Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh


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Our Specialist

Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh

Dr. SM Atiqur Rahman

MBBS, M.Phill (Psychiatry)
Advanced Trend in Sexual Medicine (Bangalore) Psychiatry Expert Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh

Dr. Fahmim Mostafa

(Rajshahi Medical College Hospital)

Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh

Jahidul Hasan Shantonu

M.Sc. in Psychology PGT in Psychotherapy and Psycho Sexual Therapy (BSMM) International Certified Addiction Professional Department of State.USA

Our Services



Life Save Hospital is highly recommended hospital for psychiatric treatment.
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Our highly professional doctors are taking special care of drug addict patients and make our institution one of the best rehab center in Dhaka.
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life save Hospital is providing Stress, anxiety and depression and so many mental health treatment in Bangladesh.
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Our renowned psychotherapy is curing so many patient mental health disease.
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we have a special branch of team with specialist doctor for Social Skill training
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Life Save Hospital is highly recommended hospital for psychiatric treatment and mental health treatment in Bangladesh.
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Our Service Details

Detoxification or Detoxication is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from the human body.

Additionally, it can refer to the period of withdrawal where organs return to normal phase after long term use of addictive substances.


  • Alcohol Detoxification
  • Drug Detoxification
Live Save Hospital is one of the best rehab center in Dhaka that professionally treat Alcohol Detoxification and Drug Detoxification.

Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.

Addictive Substance:

A list of addictions relating to the following substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Cannabis (Marijuana)
  • Hallucinogens
  • Inhalants
  • Prescription Drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics like sleeping pills and tranquilizers)
  • Amphetamines (like methamphetamine, known as meth)
  • Phencyclidine (known as PCP or Angel dust)
  • other unspecified substances. 

Addictive activities:

The following is a list of behaviors that have been noted to be addictive:

  • Eating
  • Sex
  • Pornography (attaining, viewing)
  • Using computer / the internet
  • Playing video games
  • Working
  • Exercising
  • Shopping
  • Cutting
  • Pain seeking
  • Spiritual obsession (as opposed to religious devotion) 

Signs of addiction 

  • Here are some of the most common signs of addiction: 
  • Change in friends and hangouts
  • Changes in mood, motivation, and attitude
  • Absentenance from work or school
  • Increased need for money
  • Bloodshot eyes or enlarged pupils
  • Sudden weight changes (gain or loss)
  • Secretive behaviors eg; lying
  • Tremor
  • Ignoring once-loved activities 

Treatment of addiction 

Addiction is a treatable condition. The first phase of treatment is withdrawal from the substance/activity. 
Some of our addiction treatment programs include: 

  • Medical drug and alcohol detox
  • Inpatient and outpatient addiction programs
  • Treatment for chemical and process addiction and mental health disorders
  • 12-steps programs and alternative to the 12 steps
  • Psychiatric care for mental health disorders and dual diagnosis
  • Men-only and Women-only programs 
  • Specialized programs for teens, professionals, and other groups 
  • Treating related psychological factors such as depression.

Live Save Hospital is one of the best rehab center in Dhaka that professionally treat Alcohol Detoxification and Drug Detoxification. Also, We are providing the best mental health treatment in Bangladesh for psychological and physical harm.

It is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. Such features may be persistent, relapsing, and remitting or occur as a single episode.

Types of mental disorder:

  • Personality disorder.
  • Anxiety disorder.
  • Eating disorder.
  • Addictive behavior.

The treatment we provide:

  • Inpatient treatment.
  • Outpatient treatment.
  • Improvement of relationship and social skills.
  • spiritual counseling meditation


psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods to help a person change behavior or overcome problems in desired ways.

psychotherapy aims at :

  • improvement of individuals well being and mental health.
  • resolve troublesome behaviors, beliefs, thoughts, emotions.
  • improvement of relationships and social skills.

Psychotherapy can be

  • One to one session (between client and therapist)
  • Group therapies.
  • Family therapies. 


Counseling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a conditional and dependable environment.

A counselor is trained to listen with empathy (by putting themselves in your shoes). They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have. Sometimes the term “Counseling” is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counseling is also a type of therapy of its own right.

Other psychological therapies include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and relationship therapy, which can be between members of a family, a couple, or work colleagues.

What is counseling used for? 
Talking therapies such as counseling can be used to help with many different mental health conditions, including: 

• Anxiety 
• Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) 
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 
• Long term illnesses 
• Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia 
• Drug misuse 

How counseling can help? 
Counseling aims to help you deal with and overcome issues that are causing emotional pain or making you feel uncomfortable. It can provide a safe and regular space for you to talk and explore difficult feelings. The counselor is there to support you and respect your views. They don’t usually give advice, will help you to find your own insights into and understanding your problems.

Counseling can help you cope with

  1. A mental health condition Such as depression anxiety or an eating disorder.
  2. Difficult life events Such as relationships break down or work-related Stress.
  3. Difficult emotions for example Low Self-esteem or anger.

Counseling can take place: 
• Face to face 
• individually or in a group 
• Over the phone 
• by email 
• Online through life chat Service.

For Psychiatric or Mental Disorders, you will find here proper mental treatment in Bangladesh.


Psychotherapy is the one kind of mental health treatment that use of psychological methods to help a person change behaviour or overcome problems in desired ways.

Psychotherapy aims at :

  • improvement of individueals well being and mental health.
  • resolve troublesome behaviours, beliefs, thoughts, emotions.
  • improvment of relationship and social skills.

Psychotherapy can be

  • One to one session (between client and therapist)
  • Group therapies.
  • Family therapies.

Counseling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a conditional and dependable environment.

A counselor is trained to listen with empathy (by putting themselves in your shoes). They can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings you have. Sometimes the term “Counseling” is used to refer to talking therapies in general, but counseling is also a type of therapy of its own right.

Other psychological therapies include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and relationship therapy, which can be between members of a family, a couple, or work colleagues.

What is counseling used for? 
Talking therapies such as counseling can be used to help with many different mental health conditions, including: 

• Depression 
• Anxiety 
• Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) 
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 
• Long term illnesses 
• Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia 
• Drug misuse 

How counseling can help? 
Counseling aims to help you deal with and overcome issues that are causing emotional pain or making you feel uncomfortable. It can provide a safe and regular space for you to talk and explore difficult feelings. The counselor is there to support you and respect your views. They won’t usually give advice, will help you to find your own insights into and understanding your problems.

Counseling can help you cope with

  1. A mental health condition Such as depression anxiety or eating disorder.
  2. Difficult life events Such as relationship breakdown or work-related stress.
  3. Difficult emotions for example Low Self-steam or anger.

Counseling can take place: 
• Face to face 
• individually or in a group 
• Over the phone 
• by email 
• Online through life chat Service.

It is the type of behavioral therapy used to improve social skills in people with mental disorders or developmental disabilities. Social Skills are-

  • Eye contact with others during conversation
  • Smiling when greeting people Shaking hands when meeting someone
  • Using the right tone and volume of voice
  • Flirting
  • Expressing opinions to others
  • Perceiving how others are feeling and showing empathy
  • Appropriate emotional responses (e.g. crying when something bad happens; laughing when someone says something funny). 

What is social skills training (SST)? 
Social skills training is a type of psychotherapy or mental health treatment that works to help people improve their social skills so they can become socially competent. SST is predominantly a behavioral therapy but cognitive therapy that can also be used in some situations to maximize the success of SST. This psychotherapy can be done one-on-one or in a group situation.

We provide a full array of services that begin with comprehensive assessments of social skill difficulties and/or behavioral problems at school, work, or at home. Interventions include social skills training, individual/family counseling, and the development of behavior plans for disruptive behaviors at home or in school, sensitivity training, school consultations, and community workshops. The following services are:

• Social skill needs assessment 
• Behavioral problem assessment 
• Diagnostic evaluations 

Social skills training
• Individual 
• Group 
• Individual/Family counseling 

We utilize a primarily cognitive-behavioral approach to teach social skills to children, adolescents, and adults who have social-communication difficulties. We have several therapists who work under the auspices of SST.

Social skills training can be very effective if you have self-efficacy. If you are consistent and determined, practice your skills and come back for follow-ups, you are likely to benefit from SST. 

Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh

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Best Rehab Center in Dhaka, Mental Health Treatment in Bangladesh

সপ্তাহের ৭ দিন ২৪ ঘণ্টা আমরা আছি আপনার পাশে । যেকোন সময় কল করুন আমদেরকে ।


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